The easiest way of getting more traffic from safelists is
to send to more lists than You are doing now. You can easily
achieve this by using a safelist submitter and post to 100s
of lists in no time at all.
But there is more to it than just the number of mails send.
you should also make sure that You increase the number of
mails that will actually be delivered.
A lot of Your mails will end up in other peoples Junk-Mail
folders and will never be read. If You check Your mail for
words and phrases that could trigger the SPAM filters You
can dramatically increase the number of mails that people
will see in their inboxes.
You should also try to submit very often. Do not post to
200 lists once a day if You have control over this. Web
Based Safelist Submitters will not let You influence this.
Post to 20 list ten times a day instead. Why? I`ll tell You.
Most Inboxes show the mails in order of the date recieved,
the newest mails first. If you post often then Your Chances
are higher to have an ad on top of the inbox at all times.
If You post to all lists at once then only few people will
have multiple versions of your ad in their inbox. This trick
works best on safelist networks where Your readers are likely
to be amember of several of the list You send to.
Personalize Your Mail whenever this is possible. Putting the
recipients Name in the subject line will lead to far better
open rate of your mails. You should also use personalization
in Your ad copy, because people are much more likely to reply
to mails that are adressed solely to them and not to a group
of people ( like "Dear Marketers" "Dear Webmaster" ).
These tactics are very easy to implement. Nevertheless they
will increase Your Results and You will get more traffic from
safelists. Some of these strategies will not work in every
safelist ( like personalization ) but is important to use as
many of them as possible for best results.
Have a great Day!
Thomas Kraemer
safelists,safelist+marketing,more+traffic+from safelists,email+marketing,safelist+submitter
Dienstag, 3. April 2007
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